Victoria Collar
Victoria had a Bioscan health screening in 2013 after suffering for years with IBS and Eczema. After completing the course, she saw remarkable and measurable improvements to her overall health, especially digestive and skin issues, IBS and Eczema completely cleared and in addition she lost 11 pounds in weight, just by giving her body a chance to work properly. Convinced by this remarkable life changing technology and in order to be able to practice, Victoria went on to take Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology, and Class 3B Laser Training and Nutrition.
This enabled her to be able to train and subsequently qualify as a certified Bioscan Practitioner. *
“I can’t express just how fantastic it is to help my clients go from pain, irritation and discomfort to being vibrant, fit and healthy!”
Victoria has a private health practice in Westbury-On-Trym, Bristol.